M and S Slow Cooked Bbq Beef Brisket

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Slow Cooked Brisket of Beef - Marks & Spencer - 520 g

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Product characteristics

Common name: Poitrine de bœuf d'origine britannique assaisonnée et cuite lentement avec eau ajoutée et un sachet de sauce au vin rouge.

Quantity: 520 g

Packaging: Metal, Plastic, Cardboard, Fresh

Brands: Marks & Spencer

Categories: Meals, Fresh foods, Meat-based products, Meals with meat, Beef dishes, Fresh meals

Labels, certifications, awards: fr:Contient de l'alcool

Origin of ingredients: United Kingdom

Stores: Marks & Spencer

Countries where sold: France, United Kingdom


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:

Bœuf d'origine britannique (67%) · Bouillon de bœuf rôti (Eau - Os de bœuf - Oignons - Ail - Purée de tomate - Carottes - Poireaux - Persil - Romarin - Feuilles de laurier moulues - Thym) - Eau (8%) - Vin rouge (1,5%) - Beurre (Lait) - Oignons - Carottes - Fécule de mais - Purée de tomate - Porto ruby - Sel - Sucre - Maltodextrine - Sel de mer - Poivre noir concassé - Sirop de sucre caramélisé - Correcteur d'acidité : Bicarbonate de soude - Extrait d'olive - Thym - Purée d'ail - Jus de groseille concentré - Gélifiant : Pectine (issue de Fruits) - Feuilles de laurier moulues - Poivre noir moulu - Antioxydant : Extrait de romarin - Extrait de thym - Anti-agglomérant : E551.

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Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances: Milk

Ingredients analysis:
Palm oil content unknown Non-vegan Non-vegetarian
→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

Details of the analysis of the ingredients » We need your help!

NOVA group

4 - Ultra processed food and drink products
4 - Ultra processed food and drink products

Nutrition facts

Serving size: 260 g

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(1642 products)
(2337 products)
(8050 products)
(10268 products)
(15669 products)
(64023 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts
Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
As sold
per serving (260 g)
Compared to: Fresh meals Compared to: Beef dishes Compared to: Fresh foods Compared to: Meals with meat Compared to: Meat-based products Compared to: Meals
Energy 582 kj
(139 kcal)
1,510 kj
(361 kcal)
-23% 751 kj
(184 kcal)
+1% 574 kj
(138 kcal)
-9% 641 kj
(153 kcal)
-12% 664 kj
(159 kcal)
-27% 801 kj
(194 kcal)
-17% 701 kj
(168 kcal)
Fat 4 g 10.4 g -51% 8.18 g -35% 6.13 g -53% 8.47 g -45% 7.32 g -63% 10.8 g -38% 6.5 g
Saturated fat 2 g 5.2 g -21% 2.53 g -14% 2.32 g -48% 3.84 g -20% 2.49 g -47% 3.79 g -4% 2.08 g
Carbohydrates 1.6 g 4.16 g -91% 17 g -83% 9.19 g -81% 8.41 g -85% 10.9 g -79% 7.61 g -91% 16.9 g
Sugars 1.1 g 2.86 g -52% 2.28 g -36% 1.73 g -58% 2.62 g -33% 1.63 g -19% 1.36 g -53% 2.33 g
Fiber 1 g 2.6 g -45% 1.83 g -29% 1.4 g -25% 1.33 g -35% 1.53 g -28% 1.39 g -44% 1.77 g
Proteins 23.4 g 60.8 g +215% 7.43 g +159% 9.03 g +204% 7.69 g +150% 9.37 g +86% 12.6 g +247% 6.75 g
Salt 1.18 g 3.07 g +19% 0.994 g +34% 0.881 g +38% 0.855 g +23% 0.961 g -21% 1.49 g +16% 1.02 g
Fruits‚ vegetables‚ nuts and rapeseed‚ walnut and olive oils (estimate from ingredients list analysis) 0 % 0 % ? ? ? ? ? ?


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Packaging parts:
Number Shape Material Recycling

Data sources

Product added on by beniben
Last edit of product page on by packbot.
Product page also edited by tacite-mass-editor.

If the data is incomplete or incorrect, you can complete or correct it by editing this page.

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Source: https://world.openfoodfacts.org/product/2000000034747/slow-cooked-brisket-of-beef-marks-spencer

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