Blizzard Prepares to Sue Over Illegal StarCraft TV Broadcasts


Snowstorm is preparing for a epoch-making legal combat in Korea finished the television system broadcasting rights for StarCraft.

StarCraft is then big in Korea that IT's comparable to baseball game, football, operating theater soccer in other regions. The best players become oversized stars, and the game's tournaments are often broadcast on television. These sorts of broadcasts are a-fine with Blizzard, just as abundant as the television networks have its permission, which extraordinary of them recently exercise non. Blizzard says that it plans to take these networks to motor inn.

Blizzard currently has an exclusive partnership with Korea's Gretech-GomTV for the broadcast and operation of StarCraft tournaments on television, which also grants GomTV the ability to negotiate television deals with separate Korean networks. Nevertheless, networks such arsenic MBC Game and OnGameNet have been televising their own StarCraft tournaments, organized by the Korea e-Sports Players Association (KeSPA), which are not sanctioned by Blizzard. KeSPA claims that StarCraft is open domain.

Rash once had a partnership with KeSPA, but abridged ties after KeSPA sold StarCraft television rights to other companies without its permit and the two couldn't negotiate a new deal. Blizzard directly promises to bring MBC Game and OnGameNet to court, and is also considering litigation against KeSPA. The two networks were allowed to finish broadcast medium the previous StarCraft season, merely have continued to televise tournaments since past against Rash's wishes.

"It's ill-omened that the e-sports industry in Korea is lagging hind end other industries in recognition of reflective holding (Informatics) rights and the basic principles related to them," Blizzard COO Saul of Tarsu Sams told journalists in Seoul. "Korea is the only region in the world where we give had to resort to litigation to protect our IP rights."

Blizzard believes that information technology deserves to collect licensing fees for televised StarCraft tournaments to both protect its rights and to make it incentive to continue to balance the game. "Classifying StarCraft and another e-sports as part of the public domain deprives developers such as Blizzard of their IP rights," Sams added. "There leave cost no incentive to do what Blizzard had through to equalise the games for rivalry, which is a more difficult project than creating a normal gamey."

GomTV offers 12-calendar month StarCraft tv set contracts for 100 million North Korean won ($86,800) per league. Sams calls MBC Game and OnGameNet "hypocrites" for complaining about this deal, which costs about 20% of what KeSPA charged when it lawlessly sold StarCraft's television rights. Blizzard doesn't necessarily care about profit in this case, and single wants to protect its IP even as the NFL, MLB, and other organizations vehemently do.

Source: Korea Times, via GamaSutra


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